If you just want to get out and Shred the backcountry. rest assured;

we share that passion too!! YOU’RE in the right place.

Intro Tours

  • Objective: Get comfortable with basic backcountry skiing.

  • Skills: Basic avalanche safety, simple navigation, basic skinning techniques.

  • Terrain: Simple

  • For Beginners with basic skiing skills.

  • Fitness Level: Moderate fitness; able to handle short, easy ascents and descents

Intermediate Tours

  • Objective: Improve skills with more challenging terrain.

  • Skills: Advanced techniques and route-finding

  • Terrain: Simple to Challenging

  • For Those with some backcountry experience.

  • Fitness Level: Good fitness; able to handle longer and more strenuous ascents and descents.

Advanced Tours

  • Objective: Tackle technical terrain and complex decision-making.

  • Skills: Ski bigger lines, Technical ski mountaineering and complex route finding.

  • Terrain: Challenging to Complex Terrain

  • For Experienced backcountry skiers and boarders.

  • Fitness Level: High fitness; able to handle long, demanding ascents and descents.

Book a single-day private tour for you and the crew. Experience the beauty of the Australian backcountry, while we hunt for the best snow quality!

Blizzard Academy can take you to any trailhead/mountain, depending on your abilities. We Operate in Both NSW and Victoria.