Alaska, Valdez

As a guide and forecaster, I've chased snow across continents, but nothing quite compares to the magic of Alaska in April. This year, the adventure was even more special thanks to a unique blend of friendships and amdition. Alongside Dylan Robinson, a fellow lover of untamed landscapes and an adept photographer, we set our sights on Valdez, a place where the mountains dramatically meet the sea.

Our journey began when we met up with an old friend, Josh McDonald. Josh doesn’t just share our enthusiasm for deep powder and steep descents; he also runs sailing trips out of Valdez and works as a forecaster at the Valdez Avalanche Center. The vessel for our adventure was Josh’s 50-foot sailboat, the Raven, a majestic and sturdy craft that would be our floating base camp for the expedition.

Arriving just ahead of a storm cycle, we anchored amidst the tranquil waters of Prince William Sound, surrounded by the towering Chugach Mountains. The timing couldn't have been more perfect. The incoming storm promised fresh snow, and the serene setting provided breathtaking views—a photographer's paradise. Dylan’s lenses were as busy as our skis, capturing the shifting moods of the Alaskan landscape.

The storm bestowed upon us a day to rest, a rare luxury in a season packed with back-to-back guiding stints in Canada. As the skies cleared and the fresh snow settled, anticipation built. We knew what was coming: it was our time to carve through untouched Alaskan powder.

With warming temperatures increasing avalanche danger, we found ourselves unable to ride the lines we had hoped for at the end of the trip. Nevertheless, the slopes we did choose were utterly perfect for us at the moment—fun, forgiving, and fantastically scenic. Each turn kicked up clouds of snow under the crisp blue skies, the kind of days skiers dream about all summer. Josh, with his deep local knowledge, guided us to slopes that offered not just good snow but a true Alaskan skiing experience.

The synergy among us was palpable. With Dylan documenting our descents and Josh and I sharing the lead, every moment felt like a piece of a larger puzzle we were meant to solve together. Evenings were spent sharing tales of the day, poring over Dylan’s photos, and plotting the next day’s adventures, all warmed by the rustic charm of the Raven’s cabin.

As our trip drew to a close, we left with more than just memories of the snow and slopes. We had new routes sketched out in our minds, lines that we hadn’t had the chance to explore but promised ourselves to return for. The promise of what was left undone is perhaps the greatest allure of all.

Alaska, with its pristine beauty and untamed challenges, calls to those who listen. And we’re already planning our next answer to that call—back to Valdez, back to the Raven, and back to the boundless possibilities of skiing in one of the most breathtaking corners of the world.

For anyone who dreams of skiing in Alaska, take it from us: there's no experience quite like sailing into the heart of the mountains, where each descent is earned and every view is worth a thousand pictures. Here’s to more adventures where our skis can take us—until next time, keep chasing the snow.


The Avalanche Hour Podcast